YOU are the most important person in your life and the one and only person that you will spend your whole life with is YOU!
So make sure you have a loving relationship yourself!
Self-love is having a deeply affectionate relationship with yourself. But, unfortunately, self-love hasn’t really been encouraged over the course of history. We’ve been socially conditioned to think negatively about loving ourselves. Our society has labelled people who love themselves openly as egotistical, vain and selfish. It’s no wonder that most women fear the thought of openly loving themselves.
Self-love is not at all about being conceited, vain or selfish. All of those behaviours are very different from that of self-love.
Here are my top 10 tips for how to give more love to yourself:
#1) Get to Know Who You Reeeeally Are A confident woman knows who she is and what her values and beliefs are. An essential part of learning to love yourself starts in knowing all aspects of yourself. Self-awareness is the very first of the “10 Components of Confidence”. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn more about yourself and pursue things that give you a sense of fulfillment and purpose. In celebrating your strengths and gifts and accepting your weaknesses, you can allow yourself to be comfortable in your own skin.
#2) Be Your Authentic Yourself There is nothing more powerful than AUTHENTIC confidence! That is a woman that doesn’t wear personas and isn’t pretending to be someone she’s not. There’s no one else like you in this whole world…so be YOU!
#3) Stop Comparing and Learn To See Beauty If you find yourself making negative comparisons, you need to stop! Instead of comparing, set an example. Be a perfect example for others on how to treat you and love you. How can you expect other people to know how to treat you if you aren’t even treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated? When we are able to honestly and authentically love ourselves, we are then able to attract and receive healthy and authentic love into our lives, therefore being able to give that same kind of love to others.
When you learn to see beauty in everything, you will also see beauty in yourself. If you see other women as competition, you need to know that another woman’s beauty or success has nothing to do with you and it takes nothing away from yours!
#4) Say “I Love You” More Often To yourself that is! The most powerful words you can ever say are: “I love myself.” Go to a mirror and look yourself in the eyes while telling yourself: “I love you.” or if that is too difficult, try saying: “I like you more today.”
#5) Do Something Nice For Yourself Is there a beautiful dress you’ve had your eye on for a while and kept telling yourself you don’t need it. Or a cute pair of shoes, or earrings? A little trinket of some sort that makes you smile when you see it? Some beautiful flowers or yummy chocolates? Don’t wait around for someone else to do it for you! Spoil yourself today and go get it! You deserve it!
#6) Make “Me Time” a Priority Make the time to do something you love. If you don’t know what you are truly passionate about, take the time to find out. Then be sure that you make the time for it and fit it into your regular schedule. Your “Me Time” should be as important as anything else in your life. It is a priority. And you will have something to look forward to through those challenging days! When you have self-love you are able to show yourself the affection you deserve and do not wait for others to give it to you.
#7) Say “No” Without Feelings of Guilt Don’t try to do everything for the people in your life. You do not need to take on the responsibilities of others, if asked to do so. Learning how to say “No” to the things that yoiu KNOW you don;t really want to do, will reduce your stress, the pressure you feel and will free up some of your valuable time. (And BTW -the person who asked you will find someone else to help them! )
#8) Remember Your Past Successes How great did it feel when you achieved a goal you set for yourself? You felt confident and fulfilled, right? Remember how good it felt to make a new friend, try a new activity or to get a promotion at work. Take the time to think of what makes YOU proud, not what others think of your accomplishments.
#9) Write Down 10 Things You Really Like About Yourself Take the time to explore and write down anything that you like about yourself, big or small.
#10) Relax Your Slacks 😉 Go for a walk in nature, go to a yoga class, use a mindfulness app, go for tea/coffee, get a massage, go for a pedicure, etc. etc. There’s SO many lovely ways to give yourself love and be more relaxed! Enjoy the day!

Working with me as your Confidence Coach I can teach you how awesome it is to have SELF LOVE! Please contact me NOW and I will gladly give you a complimentary Confidence Coaching session!