People-Pleasers –The High Price for Being Too Nice

Most women like to be thought of as a nice person, easy to get along with, and accommodating. I have many clients that are very nice, but they are sick and tired of being a pushover, constantly being ignored, having their voices go unheard, and being taken for granted.

By nature women are the care-givers and nurturers. But oftentimes, that “care-giving” crosses over into the “pleasing people” zone, which is a sure-fire way to limit your level of confidence and happiness.

* Do you have a hard time saying ‘No’?
* Do you put everyone else’s needs before your own?
* Do you worry about what other people think of you?
* Do you agree with people because you’d like to “fit in”?
* Do you want everyone to think of you as a “really nice person”?
* Do you give in to people because the thought of upsetting them is too much for you to deal with?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you are not reaching your full potential, and as a result, are most likely paying the HIGH price for being too nice.

People-pleasing makes you the doormat NOT the door prize.  Also, all of my clients that have struggles as a people-pleaser you too are likely not expressing yourself. You are shying away from sharing your thoughts and opinions, agreeing with others without even considering what YOU believe or want. This is no way for you to be living! Your thoughts and opinions matter! YOU MATTER!

Subconsciously, you want to please others in order to avoid reactions and confrontations that you are afraid of, and to avoid rejection, judgment, attack, or abandonment. You may have been conditioned to be compliant or to be controlled based on the way you were treated by your parents, authority figures or by society.

When you stop being too nice and start making yourself a priority, not only do you benefit, but the people around you do as well. If you are burned out, stressed out or overloaded, what’s left to give to others?

Now is the time to make a change and become who you really are and share that BEST version of yourself with the world! It’s time for you to be HAPPY!   😀

Are you tired of being a people-pleaser? I can help you learn how to make yourself a priority and say ‘No’ to the people that you wish you could!

Please contact me today for a complimentary Confidence Coaching session!


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