My Experience at Tony Robbins~ Power of Success Seminar

I finally went to see Tony Robbins for the first time! Being a Coach it was on my “Live Life Fully List” for a loooooooooong time. Last week he was finally here, and I was in town so I HAD to go! (along with 5,000 incredible people)  🙂

For anyone who maybe does not know who he is,  Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist. A recognized world-leading authority on the psychology, leadership, relationships and business,  he has served as an advisor to leaders around the world for more than 30 years.

My friend Vanessa and I agreed that we wanted to get the best seats, and because seats were first come, first serve, we met up at 6:45 am!  😯  I am definitely more of a night owl than an early bird, so I knew it was going to be a challenge, but for Tony, I was DOING IT!  😀 I got up at 5:45 am  😯 and was super-stoked! We got there to a see a pretty big line already formed and by the time they opened the doors at 8:30 am –there were HUNDREDS of people lined up.

I’ve been a fan of his for many years, after all Tony Robbins was THE ONE who created Life Coaching! I’ve listened to his audio books and watched his videos online as well as his fantastic Netflix documentary called Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru. If you haven’t seen it –you MUST!

He was live in Vancouver @ Vancouver Convention Centre, along with 5 other speakers. All of which I found uninspiring and speaking on general content that I have heard at other seminars before. With the exception of one speaker who I thoroughly enjoyed was a woman named Niurka. Her talk was all about how our words are our reality and about her 3-step formula for asking intelligent questions that inspire immediate action. She was super high-energy! I LOVED HER. And she was very engaging as she spoke and shared a lot of content in her 1 hour talk.

As we were nearing the end of the day, I found it challenging to stay engaged (remember my super-ambitous-wake-up-at-5:45am!), so it was a Red Bull to the rescue by the time Tony hit the stage after 5pm. I needed to get my dancing shoes ready, riiight!

For most people, when Tony Robbins speaks, they listen. I sure do. But, to be honest, I wish he did more speaking and less dancing and jumping around and talking with new people. I mean –I do that all the time. Seriously! Ask anyone who knows me, it’s part of my every day life. Sooooo, I was hoping to do a lot more learning. That being said, I have done a lot of work on myself over the past 15 years and have attended a lot of conferences, seminars, workshops and talks.

Tony Robbins is all about keeping audience participation super high, which is great. He’s consistenly shouting to us: “We’re going to get in a peak state!” This involved lots of clapping, high-five-ing your neigbours, yelling out loud, jumping and dancing.

He encouraged us to meet our neighbors and keep each other excited.
He continually asked everyone to raise their hand and say “I” if they agreed.


In real life he is HUGE! He’s 6’7″ and looks like a frikin superhero! I can say that with absolute certainty because he was standing and speaking right in front of me! 😯 3 times! 😀  WOO-HOO!!! 😀 It was SUPER AMAZING!  He was talking right to me, it felt incredible, his energy is so powerful! 



Overall, I was super happy that I went. I need to attend a 3 day event. That’s next!  I did take away a few nuggets of info and tools that I will share with my Confidence Coaching clients.  It was a great experience. My favourite? You guessed it –having him be speaking right in front of me!! And all the dancing around to really loud music!!

By the end of a very long day (he started 2 hours late and I got up literally at the crack of dawn!!) I still had a lot of energy and floated my way outta the convention centre to go meet up with my main man, Marcin for dinner at Joey on Burrard.


Here’s a video and some pics for ya…

Tony Robbins: Power of Success Seminar~July 27,2017



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