Doing The POWERFUL Master Cleanse, Again!

I have been doing the Master Cleanse every January for 11 years. It’s the ultimate mind game, and it’s not for everyone, but it works really, really works well for me and I absolutely LOVE doing it! After 12-14 days of doing this cleanse I feel SO reinvigorated, have zero cravings and have even MORE Energy than I usually do!!!! WOO-HOO!! It’s essentially like hitting a reset button on my body. It gives my digestive system a much needed break, flushes my entire body of toxins, allows my body to heal its self naturally and forces my mind to be very present and giving me the opportunity to manage my mind as it goes through this intense process. That is definitely a major part to The Master Cleanse — the mental game. It really is all about managing my mind during the first week, because I’ll hear my tummy growl and feel hungry and I’ll smell and see delicious food everywhere! But I MUST control my thoughts and feelings, and simply remind myself that I am not starving, I am not going to die without food, and that there are so many people in the world that are experiencing REAL, serious hunger pains, and I’m just fine. Then I drink another delicious lemonade drink, and the growling and the hunger immediately goes away.

So, what is the lemonade drink? And what is The Master Cleanse exactly? It’s the Queen of all cleanses! It’s a liquid fast, consisting of organic fresh squeezed lemon juice, hot cayenne pepper, and high grade, dark, robust organic maple syrup in purified water. That’s it! That’s the food for a minimum of 10 days.

This is what goes into one serving:
2 tbsp of organic, fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 tbsp of organic maple syrup
1/10 tsp cayenne pepper (I like it spicy, so I use more!)
1.5 cups of purified water

You can drink as much of the drink as you want every day. Usually 9 – 12 glasses. And you can drink as much herbal tea as you like too. So I always have my cupboard totally packed full of options before I start the cleanse. (Bengal Tiger Spice is my ABSOLUTE FAVE!)
There are also two other components to the cleanse: herbal laxative detox tea at night and a “salt water flush” first thing in the morning. The S.W.F. is the worst part of the cleanse, in my opinion. Drinking 4 cups of warm, super salty Celtic sea water first thing in the morning (in under 5 minutes!) with the goal of “flushing” everything out of your body. YUCK!! It’s no joke! But it must be done.

The first few times I did The Master Cleanse, many, many years ago, it was definitely much more challenging. Some of the side effects were that I got really chilly/cold the first 4-5 days. Your body is in withdrawals. I had very intense headaches and pain in my lower back (which turned out to the result of me not drinking enough water to flush out the toxics in my kidneys) But after learning exactly how to do The Master Cleanse, I love it and look forward to the challenge every January!

It’s a challenge for the first week and then it’s AWESOME! I wake up super early (all by myself –no alarm required!) I have TONS of energy, super focused, alert, happy, with zero cravings AND my skin is beautiful –soft and glowing AND I feel incredibly accomplished and proud of myself! 😀

This year, being in strict lockdown living in Greece now, made my 2 weeks a lot easier this time. For a couple of reasons:
#1- There’s no socializing or going out. Whereas I usually go out and be social at least 4-5 times a week and that makes it difficult not to eat or drink.
And reason #2- I have TONS of ancient lemon trees in my yard here and an unlimited amount of HUGE, super juicy, delicious organic lemons from the trees! YAY!

Another important part of The Master Cleanse is to prepare your body before and after the cleanse. I do 2 days for both the ease-in and ease-out, to acclimate my body. During those days, I only eat live foods –fresh squeezed orange juice, vegetables, fruits, and veggie broth. (I make my own broth!) I just finished my ease-out day yesterday and DAMN, all my meals taste sooo delicious. I always really look forward to how incredible everything tastes after the cleanse! It’s like my taste buds are doing cartwheels!

One other really awesome and surprising benefit happened for me this time, so I wanted to make sure I wrote about that too! Way back in 2007, I had reconstructive knee surgery. Last summer, my doctor informed me that I have arthritis in that knee. I was shocked!!! That was really difficult to hear. My daily jogging days were officially over. 🙁
My knee is always stiff when I wake up and very easily gets sprained or injured. I was suffering with pretty bad pain the last few months, so much so that I have been wearing a hinged support brace. A few days ago, as I was coming to the end of The Master Cleanse, one morning it dawned on me that my knee had ZERO pain! Usually my yoga in the morning would be hard on my knee, and going for hikes or going walks I have to be very careful and ice & heat my knee afterwards. I didn’t have any of those problems at all this past week! WHAAAT?!?! Yep, I’m serious! AND I am blown away!!! I Googled it, and turns out, that it’s a real thing. So many people have reported huge benefits from healing arthritis, sleep disorders, injuries, anxiety, and many other on-going body pains being cured or reduced as a result of doing the Master Cleanse.

So, there ya have it…so many great reasons to do The Master Cleanse. In case ya missed it — I LOVE THE MASTER CLEANSE! Hopefully you will too! 🙂

Here’s some pics and vids for you…

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