Absolute Confidence Tips
#1 – Get a coach or a mentor!
Spend time every day with confident people that you admire. You will be inspired by their strength, attitude and energy. It’s infectious! You will find that your confidence increases much quicker. Your level of happiness is directly related to the quality of the relationships in your life. Having a confidence coach in your life will enable you to make decisions that will improve your life and help you discover your inner strength.
#2 – Discover and harness what you are passionate about
Lasting happiness comes from determining your strengths and discovering the best ways to put them to use. Make a list of all the things you love and are passionate about. How many of these things are you doing right now?
#3 – Remember your past achievements
How great did it feel when you achieved a goal you set for yourself? You felt confident and fulfilled, right? Remember how good it felt to make a new friend, try a new activity or to get a promotion at work.
#4- Be open and willing to make positive changes in your life
Set realistic and attainable goals for yourself that will bring positive change. Do you have negative thoughts and emotions or negative people in your life that are controlling and draining you? Start by “cleaning out” your negative thoughts and emotions. What negative things in your life do you want to rid yourself of? Make a list of the positive things you want in your life and be sure to give yourself a timeline. If the task of changing your negative thoughts and emotions seems a bit overwhelming, remember that most of the negative beliefs (as well as the negative people) that you have right now were put into your mind and/or life with your cooperation. You have the ability to change that! Change how you feel about yourself and your life and you will radiate happiness and contentment.
#5 – Visualize the confident you
To achieve what you want in life, you have to believe it. I mean, REALLY believe it. If you can visualize yourself doing something you wish you could do, you are more likely to make it your reality because you’ll have confidence in your ability to succeed. The idea is to have these images or events taking place in your mind in vivid 3D with rich colors, like a dream, or as real as watching T.V. or a movie. The clearer the visualizations you have, the more likely you are to achieve the results you desire. When fearful or distracting images appear, re-focus on those positive images that evoke feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
#6 – Make a list, check it twice!
Write down 5 reasons why you want to be confident. List them in order of importance from 1 to 5. The numbers indicate the level of importance. i.e. Do you want to be more comfortable meeting new people? Do you want to live a happier and more fulfilled life? Do you want a new job or a promotion? Etc.
#7 – Commit to your confidence
If you have decided that you want to change your life and improve your confidence, do it now and don’t turn back! Go out and try something new, or go to that party or event that you’d usually skip and let others know you are there and that you have a lot to contribute. You’ll most likely make some new friends too! If you feel you would benefit from taking a course or getting a confidence coach, do it… you will not regret discovering your inner strength.
#8 – Be authentic
Be warm, genuine and personable. These personality traits are a must when building confidence. If you are fake, other people are likely to sense this and may not be interested in meeting you or may reject you.
#9 – Always be open to learning and developing your confidence skills
Try new activities, go out to meet and connect with new people. You could make a new friend! Your level of happiness is very closely tied to the quality of the relationships in your life. The more quality relationships that you have with great people that you connect with, the happier you will be. Smile at a stranger or better yet, strike up a conversation.
#10 – Do something today that scares you
When we step outside of our comfort zone and take risks, we force ourselves to learn and grow.Fear robs us of our happiness and fulfillment. Be aware of your old habits and be conscious and deliberate about stepping outside your comfort zone. Push yourself and give yourself a huge boost of confidence!
#11 – Never give up!
No one is confident all the time. Even the most confident people have doubts and fears about certain things. You are not alone. The important thing to remember is that you MUST always strive to be the most confident person you can be. When you are confident, you feel great about yourself and your life. Whenever you feel unhappy or feel frustrated, do something that you know will be positive and effective. For me that’s talking to my Mom, talking to one of my friends or looking at photos from some of the amazing adventures I’ve had in my life.
Words To Live By
- Love yourself FIRST! -You are the MOST important person in your life.
- Pay close and loving attention to yourself. Tune into your needs on all levels.
- Take good care of yourself, nourish, support and encourage yourself.
- Remember that great achievements and great love involve great risk.
- Be sure that you love to talk to who ever you choose to spend your life with. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
- Believe in love at first sight.
- When you say, ‘I love you,’ mean it.
- When you say, ‘I’m sorry,’ look the person in the eyes.
- Always remember that your friends are a reflection of who you are.
- Show me who your friends are and I’ll show you who you are.
- Be a solid friend. Treat your friends the same way you expect to be treated.
- Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.
- Never laugh at anyone’s dreams.
- Create FUN, loving, honest relationships, allowing for the expression and fulfillment of needs for intimacy and security.
- Try to heal any emotional wounds from past relationships – as with old lovers, friends and parents.
- Make a commitment to your health and well-being, and develop a belief in the possibility of complete health.
- Develop your own healing program, drawing on the support and advice of experts WITHOUT becoming enslaved to them.
- Believe that everything you go through in life is a lesson.
- Visualize positive images in your mind, images of what you want in your life.
- When fearful or distracting images appear, re-focus on those positive images that evoke feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
- Keep your word to people. When you tell someone that you will do something…DO IT!
- Make a positive contribution to your community through some form of work or service that you value and enjoy.
- Don’t judge people by their relatives.
- Surround yourself with good people that have the same values as you do.
- Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.
- When you lose, DON’T lose the lesson.
- Don’t believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
- When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
- Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
- When someone asks you a question you don’t want to answer, smile and ask, ‘Why do you want to know?’
- Say “Gesundheit!” when you hear someone sneeze.
- Always keep a sense of humour!
- Dance by yourself at home.
- Be grateful for what you have, it’s the easiest way to receive more things to be grateful for.
- Create your own life and live it with no regrets!
Confidence is a skill. You can learn it!
YOU have the ability to harness your inner strength and to change how you feel about yourself and your life. If you are ready to create REAL and LASTING positive change in your life and become the confident you, please contact me today to discuss the different packages I offer. I’d be happy to assist you in determining which program would be most beneficial in your life right now.
NOT LOCAL? No problem! You don’t have to live in the same city or country to have me as your Confidence Coach. I have successfully worked with clients throughout North America with VIDEO SKYPE, email and over-the-phone.
Just send me an email or give me a call!
Please email me: suzanne@absoluteconfidence.com OR Call me: 604.230.5538
In-Person Confidence Coaching sessions are available in person in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Absolute Confidence Workshop is an empowering introduction to a new life of confidence, direction, achievements, meaning, integrity and self-respect. The purpose of my workshop is to inform and empower you and to show you that YOU hold the ability to harness your own power and inner strength.
You will learn:
– How to have confidence
– How to gain confidence
– How to project confidence
– Confidence building skills
– The components of confidence
– The importance of self-love
– How to determine your values
– How to identify your fears and overcome them
– Personal responsibility and the Law of Attraction
– The importance of positive body image
– Goal setting and positive decision making
Absolute Confidence Workshop CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!
Every successful athlete in the world has a coach! …for positive reinforcement, to provide encouragement,motivation, guidance, focus, support, and to provide valuable feedback. A Confidence Coach is like a personal trainer for your mental fitness! You can have your own coach too and start living the life you’ve imagined!
Personal Confidence Coaching
The focus is on you! I will provide support, encouragement and motivation to enhance the skills, resources and creativity that you already have. YOU have the ability to harness your personal power and to change how you feel about yourself and your life!
Absolute Speaker Series
Powerful and inspirational workshops on confidence related topics.
High Heel Appeal
Increase your confidence wearing your High Heels!