Do you long to follow your own heart? Do you wish you had the courage to walk through those doubts and fears that stand between you and your dreams?.
Over time, we often forget that the power to claim the life we choose exists within us. We often loose sight of our original, fearless self.
Stop Seeing Yourself as Powerless
Realize the freedom you long for appears by itself once you stop agreeing to see yourself as powerless in the face of punishing thoughts and feelings!
Let Go the Fear of What May be Ahead
You have the right to walk through this life without any fear of what may await you ahead.
Live in the Present Moment
Your original Self is already timeless and whole; any part of us that urges us to look for a bigger, better, or brighter sense of Self outside the present moment is both the seed of deception, as well as its bitter fruit, anxiety.
Minimize Thoughts That Imprison You
Anxious thoughts and feelings are not there to help us reach the promised land. Instead, they keep us a prisoner in the world of their empty promises. The courage to see the truth of this fact is the same as the courage we need to be free . . . to consciously walk away from these impostor powers.
Make Sure You Keep Good Interior Company
What we are now, and the kind of life we will come to know, is very much determined by the “interior” company we keep.
Don’t Consent to Staying Stuck in Negative States
Just as you can’t cage a lion in a child’s crib, no negative state can keep you its captive once you’ve seen it for what it really is—nothing without your consent.
Allow the Past to Remain Where it Belongs — Behind You
By reclaiming our attention—by bringing ourselves back into the present moment—we are released from our unconscious relationship with the past, putting its pain behind us, where it belongs.
Choose to Remember What YOU Want
It’s our right to remember what we want to remember, instead of what we are being given to remember!
Guy Finley
Check out my Latest FEARLESS VLOG Snowblading at Cypress Mountain
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