Believe it or not, you are constantly projecting your level of self-confidence to the people around you. It shows in many ways; your behaviour, your body language, your language, what you say and how you say it.
Confidence is the foundation for everything in life and it is our confidence, or lack of, that directly affects HOW we do everything in life.
When we know and appreciate who we are, we feel great about ourselves and we make better choices and better decisions.
When we make better choices and better decisions, we create a better life for ourselves.
When we create a better life, we are much happier.
Everything is based on our self-confidence!
It is extremely important in every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to create it. As women, we are have been socially conditioned to take care of everyone else needs before our own and to please other people. This kind of behaviour makes it very challenging to have self-respect and self-confidence.
Our confidence is perfectly intact when we are born, but diminishes during our childhood. We lose a little of it when we make mistakes, fail, misbehave, get in trouble, feel guilty, neglect ourselves, and/or do things we are ashamed of. As we all know, kids can be mean. Many of us can relate to be bullied and picked on as children, which can destroy our confidence too.
As an adult, we can lose more of our confidence for many reasons:
- being criticized by others
- when we have negative people in our lives. It’s very common for women to have men in their lives that out them down and belittle them, breaking down their confidence because they THEMSELVES lack confidence.
- negative self talk, demeaning yourself by saying things like, “I’m stupid,“ “loser” “I KNEW it!”
- negative body image because of what society dictates we “should” look like
- not achieving the goals that we set for ourselves (consciously or sub-consciously)
- not believing in yourself
- not loving yourself
- fear of public speaking
- fear of meeting new people
- fear of conversation with others
- not being able to say no to others
- not being able to get what you want
- feelings of worry, guilt , anxiety, panic
- fear of leaving your comfort zone because your lack of confidence is holding you back