An electrician went to speak to a Confidence Coach.
The coach asked the electrician: What do you think is preventing you from noticing all the opportunities around you?
Electrician: Fear of failure
Coach: What would you like instead?
Electrician: Confidence
Coach: What prevents you from feeling confident?
Electrician: Fear of failure
Coach: What would you like instead?
Electrician: Confidence
Coach: Notice the loop? Now can I ask you – do you really want to change?
Electrician: Yes I want to. I want the confidence to make the changes
Coach: OK. SO imagine 3 light bulbs screwed into a board with a common cable. The first one is a 10 watt, second 100 watt and third 1000 watt bulb. Which glows the brightest?
Electrician: The third one
Coach: If the same cable brings equal power to each socket, what’s the difference?
Electrician: Electrical resistance – ah, I see it is ME that is resisting opportunity.
Coach: Life, like electricity consists of pure energy. It flows through all is us equally. There is no end to this supply – only you can cut it off through resistance. Stop blaming external factors and accept full responsibility for your actions and your in-actions.