How Does Stress Affect Your Confidence? < and 3 Tips! >

It’s almost guaranteed that if you have low confidence that you will experience more stress in your life. One of the best ways to handle stress is by becoming more self-confident. When you learn to feel better about yourself and be more positive, you change the way you deal with stress.

It’s absolutely essential to be confident if you want to be more relaxed and able to handle stressful experiences effectively. Also, relaxation is way easier when you are at ease with yourself, you do not then over complicate things or “sweat the small stuff”.

Stress is a physical and emotional manifestation of being worried or unhappy about something. When the body is physically and emotionally healthy, it is much easier to live with stress. Low self-esteem and low confidence harms you by compromising your ability to handle the challenges that invariably come with daily life and therefore increase your experience of stress.

Dealing with stress is something we all have to do, the magic is in how we choose to do it and dealing with your own stress (note the choice of words here, “dealing” NOT “coping” and your own stress NOT others) Dealing puts your mind in action mode and you will be better able to make assessments and decisions —putting you back in control.

In order to start dealing with stress, you must start to build your “absolute confidence”!

Here’s a few of my tips for dealing with the stresses that are directly impacting your confidence:
# 1. Learn to say No –and do not be tempted to over explain it. If you do not have time and space then it’s almost a dead cert that those around you take a little advantage knowing you like to please and help. If it starts to generate stress in your life (I’m sure it is!!) because you no longer have the time to do what YOU need to, or you’re being pulling in different directions, then saying NO is the best option. People won’t think any less of you, we are all used to hearing it occasionally, and it’s not personal. Be gentle but firm and start to take control of your life back.

#2. Slow down time –yes really! When you’re in the heat of a stressful situation and everything is getting out of control and you really don’t know if you are coming or going, STOP, stand still and take 3 deep breaths. Really deep, in through the nose, fill your lungs and then slowly exhale through your mouth. If it helps, you can even close your eyes for as moment. This simple action will slow things down, including your heart rate and it is one of the simplest things to do that gives you the moment of space and calm to get things back to a more normal place.

#3. Realize that it is NOT your problem! Take the superhero cape off my friend, your helping sometimes is not helping at all, you or them. Take a step back and allow others to help or choose not to get involved and it can help you manage your own stress when you do not instantly get involved in other peoples.


There ya have it! 3 easy things to do to start building your ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE and reducing your stress right now, go out there and have an AWESOME day!!! 🙂


Are  you sick and tired of the stress in your life and feeling unhappy?

Contact me for a complimentary Confidence Coaching session! 😀




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